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You’ve probably heard a lot about a new (novel) 冠状病毒 called COVID-19. As leaders of the homeless services system in Los Angeles, you are vital in implementing strategies to prevent 和 contain infections in your agency as well as to support continuity of care in the case of widespread sickness. As such, we wanted to share guidance on these important areas to help us all prepare. 请与您的操作人员分享和讨论, 编程, 和 human resource leadership in order to implement or augment protocols within your agency 和 programs.

  • Ensure all facilities 和 sites have signs promoting proper h和washing (http://www.publichealth.lacounty.gov /媒体/Coronavirus/ CoronavirusInfographicEnglish.pdf). 在员工和客户中提倡洗手. Distribute 70% alcohol h和 sanitizer for those who do not have access to h和washing facilities.
  • 我们将帮助提供物资.
  • 尽可能保持工作和设备表面清洁. Review facility-cleaning protocols 和 be extra vigilant.
  • 培训员工普遍预防措施. 他们应该有这方面的补给, 包括手套, 面具, 酒精棉签, 密封塑胶袋袋, 还有洗手液. 请培训员工如何使用.
  • Consider canceling gatherings that are non-essential http://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/mass-gatherings-ready-for-covid-19.html
  • 积极鼓励生病的员工在家休息.
    • Experts recommend that employees who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness stay home 和 not come to work until they are free of fever (100.4°F或更高(使用口腔体温计), 发烧的迹象, 其他症状至少持续24小时, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g.(止咳药). Employees should notify their supervisor 和 stay home if they are sick.
    • Ensure that your sick leave policies are flexible 和 consistent with public health guidance 和 that employees are aware of these policies.
  • Have contingency plans for backup staffing in the case of large numbers of staff become sick.
    • Employers should plan to monitor 和 respond to absenteeism at the workplace. Implement plans to continue your essential business functions in case you experience higher than usual absenteeism.
    • Cross-train personnel to perform essential functions so that the workplace can operate even if key staff members are absent.
    • Assess your essential functions 和 the reliance that others 和 the community have on your services or products. Be prepared to change your business practices if needed to maintain critical operations (e.g., 确定替代供应商, 优先考虑客户, or temporarily suspend some of your operations if needed).
    • 访问 http://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/specific-groups/guidance-business-response.html for more information on how to prepare your organization.
  • Enhance screening of visitors, staff, 和 residents for symptoms of acute respiratory illness (e.g.(发烧、咳嗽、呼吸困难). 如果有人出现症状, contact their healthcare provider immediately for further instructions. 一定要保持6英尺的距离. Ensure the person with symptoms wears a mask until further direction of a healthcare provider. http://www.cdc.gov /Coronavirus/ 2019 - ncov /About/ steps-when-sick.html. We expect more guidance on both facility 和 street-based protocols for clients with potential infections. 有时间我们会分享的.
    • CDC does not recommend that people wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, 包括COVID-19.
    • Face面具 should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. 使用口罩也是至关重要的 卫生工作者people who are taking care of someone in close settings (在家里或在医疗机构)
  • Devote extra case planning for those that are most vulnerable. It appears those risk of severe illness begins to increase at age 50 for those who contract COVID-19 和 increases with age (i.e., an 80-year-old person is at greater risk than a 70-year-old person). 80岁以上的人是风险最高的群体. Persons with underlying medical problems also are likely at higher risk for severe disease, 包括患有心血管疾病的人, 糖尿病, 癌症, 心脏病, 或者慢性肺病,比如慢性阻塞性肺病, 以及那些免疫功能低下的人. Ensuring clients with these vulnerabilities are connected to their medical home 和 know their medical provider is critical.

The US Department of Housing 和 Urban Development (HUD) just released its Infectious Disease Toolkit for CoCs.  This toolkit provides structure 和 specific examples for planning 和 responding to Influenza, 冠状病毒, 以及其他传染病. The toolkit consists of three documents that provide information for CoC leadership, 无家可归者服务提供者, 和 partners to utilize when planning for 和 responding to infectious diseases. 

The County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health (DPH) launched a helpful 冠状病毒 portal http://publichealth.lacounty.gov /媒体/Coronavirus with FAQs, h和washing guidance, 和 other valuable information for Angelenos. They also launched a valuable #NCVFacts campaign on Twitter. The US Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention (CDC) also has vital information on their websites http://www.cdc.gov /Coronavirus/ 2019 - ncov /索引.html

新 Guidance from the County of Santa Clara’s Public Health Department released new guidance for persons at higher risk from COVID-19

新型冠状病毒情况介绍: http://www.publichealth.lacounty.gov /媒体/Coronavirus/ CoronavirusInfographicEnglish.pdf

We recommend that you 和 your staff take a look at these resources 和 check back often as the issue is quickly evolving.


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